Morberg Breathe Blog
Få 4 konkrete råd til en mental sund hjemmearbejdsdag
Du kender det sikkert. Selvom vi har de bedste intentioner om en fokuseret og velafbalanceret arbejdsdag, ender dagen alligevel ofte helt anderledes.
Få 4 konkrete råd til, hvordan du skaber en mental sund hjemmearbejdsdag!
Få 4 konkrete råd til, hvordan du skaber en mental sund hjemmearbejdsdag!
Old School Timeregistrering – KONTROL ELLER FRIHED?
Personligt har timeregistrering altid generet mig og skabt en følelse af at blive kontrolleret. Men hvad nu, hvis dét at registrere arbejdstimer i stedet bliver til FRIHED?
Leading towards rewards
As a leader you have the opportunity to consciously lead towards rewards - activating your employees reward system. See how.
This short video (59 sec.) is about Leading towards rewards
This short video (59 sec.) is about Leading towards rewards
Leaders influence on The Emotional Regulation System
Why is this a leadership tool? Because as a leader you influence which system you put your employees in. All depending on your behaviour.
This short video (29 sec.) is about Leaders influence on The Emotional Regulation System
This short video (29 sec.) is about Leaders influence on The Emotional Regulation System
Balance The Emotional Regulation System
Our emotional regulation system holds three systems. The Threath system. The Reward system and the Soothing system.
Often in our work life we are in the state of either threat or reward – which causes imbalance. We also need to be in our soothing system.
This short video (43 sec.) is about Balancing The Emotional Regulation System
Often in our work life we are in the state of either threat or reward – which causes imbalance. We also need to be in our soothing system.
This short video (43 sec.) is about Balancing The Emotional Regulation System
Fight-Flight-Freeze Response
Fight-Flight-Freeze Response
If you experience a situation, that puts you under a lot of pressure, you can activate your Fight-Flight-Freeze response. Now, how will this look like in an organization facing changes?
This short video (58 sec.) is about Fight-Flight-Freeze Response
If you experience a situation, that puts you under a lot of pressure, you can activate your Fight-Flight-Freeze response. Now, how will this look like in an organization facing changes?
This short video (58 sec.) is about Fight-Flight-Freeze Response
Trust and Relation
Trust and Relation
14 areas activate in the brain, when the employee experience trust and good relations to his or her leader. The areas activated shows openness for better teamwork, development and goodwill for change processes.
This short video (56 sec.) is about Trust and Relation
14 areas activate in the brain, when the employee experience trust and good relations to his or her leader. The areas activated shows openness for better teamwork, development and goodwill for change processes.
This short video (56 sec.) is about Trust and Relation
Mental sundhed på agendaen
Mental Sundhed bliver i højere og højere grad en konkurrenceparameter for erhvervslivet, da organisationens samlede styrke, afhænger af individets personlige balance. Derfor sætter jeg fokus på Mental Sundhed - set fra et organisatorisk og individuelt perspektiv - på de sociale medier.
Neuroscience - Lead change
Insights from “neuroscience” are becoming more and more relevant in leadership. Understanding our brain systems, conscious and unconscious behaviour, the brains perception of threat and reward – and knowing how to put it in perspective to leading people.
I hope you will find inspiration in this 7 min. video "Excerpt from lecture on change management".
I hope you will find inspiration in this 7 min. video "Excerpt from lecture on change management".
Meditation kan forandre din hjerne
Forskellige former for regelmæssig meditation forandrer din hjerne. Det betyder du kan træne hjernen til f.eks. at være mere tilstede i nuet, styrket empati og evne til at se perspektiver...